More information about your Laser safety officer OStrSV/TROS training
Yes, every sole proprietor in Germany who uses laser technology commercially for permanent hair removal must provide legally required proof of expertise as a laser safety officer. This requirement is based on the OStrV and the TROS Laser Radiation.
Yes, the requirement to appoint a laser safety officer applies to all companies, regardless of the number of employees. The decisive factor is the use of lasers from class 3R, which require special safety precautions due to their potential risk. Self-employed people who use class 4 laser technology (permanent hair removal) must also be appropriately qualified and certified.
Laser safety courses must meet certain legal requirements set out in the OStrV and the TROS, including the content and qualifications of the instructor. Whether the course is held in person or online depends on the educational institutions' offerings. Many providers also offer recognized online courses, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.
A recognized laser safety course must comply with the requirements of DGUV Information 303-005, which regulates the training of laser safety officers, including requirements for organizers and trainers. Check that the course follows these guidelines.
Yes, even if you have already completed a specialist qualification for the cosmetic use of lasers in accordance with the NiSV, an additional laser safety course is necessary. The NiSV requires that people who use laser technology demonstrate specific expertise through a recognized laser safety course in order to ensure both their own safety and that of the people being treated. This course supplements your knowledge with important safety-related aspects.
The new NiSV Regulation 2024
The NiSV Regulation 2024 poses a major challenge for beauticians: Without appropriate certification , certain cosmetic devices may no longer be used. How do you deal with this new legal requirement? Are you ready to adapt your practice and services in order to remain competitive? The NiSV Regulation not only represents a change, but also an opportunity to further develop and ensure the quality of your services. It is crucial to act now in order to continue to offer your customers the best treatments.
Approved training courses for the NiSV regulation
At Medi Metropole you will find the solution to the challenges of the NiSV regulation : certified training courses that will prepare you and your team for the new legal requirements. Our courses cover all the necessary content to obtain the NiSV certificate . With our help, you can ensure that your beauty salon meets the new standards and that you can continue to offer your customers high-quality treatments. Trust in our expertise and experience to prepare you optimally for the NiSV exams and secure your professional future.